The sound of Gotye

The sound of Gotye

The music by Gotye and his attitude to the sound  impressed me so much I could not stop thinking about it.

Though my blog is designed rather to show people playing with visual stuff, Gotye is combining all of it. Music, lyric and image is becoming unity.

He kindly allowed me to publish this small post. Thank you Wally.

Look and enjoy – Wouter “Wally” De Backer at work:

If only more people could get themselves  onto that level of creativity our world would be a grand place.

But as for time being : Thanks for what’s happening 🙂

4710 – New Water Dragon Year

4710 – New Water Dragon Year

This year new dragon came to me as a gift.

As in few days New Chinese 4710 year will begin I’m presenting very European full of fire dragon by Steven White.

As far thought, this Chinese Dragon will be Water one I’ve found next door one adequate:

Hopefully the Dragon will be good for all of us 😉

Happy New Year !

Cards – speech teaching

Cards – speech teaching

I’d like to today present a very special project.

Barbara Polak who is speech teacher created this original project – cards with funny pictures to help into the therapy process.

To make it happened I’ve helped with preparing the funny part of the project =  images with the help of Illustrator and based on Barbara’s sketches.

She lives and works in Poland so the rest of this post will be in Polish 😉


Karty do ćwiczeń logopedycznych – projekt autorski specjalisty neurologopedy Barbary Polak.

Link do jej strony internetowej:

Pomoc logopedyczna: karty do gry w “Memo” oraz “Piotruś” prezentują w formie graficznej ćwiczenia mające na celu usprawnienie narządów mowy przygotowując do wywołania określonej głoski. Dziecko poprzez zabawę zapamiętuje i opanowuje kolejne ćwiczenia korzystając z dodatkowej podpory wzrokowej oraz skojarzenia z ilustracją. Duży wybór ćwiczeń zaczerpnięty z literatury logopedycznej pozwala indywidualnie dostosować stopień trudności dla danego dziecka i wymieniać karty w zależności od postępów. Element zabawy i rywalizacji motywuje dziecko do starannego wykonywania poszczególnych ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo doskonali pamięć, koncentrację, spostrzegawczość, rozwija skojarzenia, a także uczy zachowań społecznych.

Talia zawiera 36 kart: 17 par kart ponumerowanych od 1- 17 oraz 2 karty bez numeru
Liczba graczy: 2 – 6

Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “sz, ż, cz, dż”, kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro


Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “s, z, c, dz”, kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro

logopedyczne pomoce

Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “r” – kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro

karty logopedyczne

Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “s, z, c, dz” – kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro

logopedyczne karty




I’ve found today this homepage:

Plenty of very interesting stuff here.


Her name is Cindy Vriend, 36 year old graphic designer and illustrator from the Netherlands. Started her career 15 years ago. Now working part-time at a design company and besides that running her own business. She has an unlimited passion for her work and great interest in all the beautiful and creative aspects that inspire me in her work.

Watch and enjoy 🙂

Black money

Black money

To warm myself up I took a part in one contest.

The subject was: Stand for “Mennica Polska” (Polish Mint) on expo in  Berlin.

The contest was design for students looking for new carrier path as expo-designers with one of polish companies designing this kind of projects. So it wasn’t designed for me but being small and interesting I was tempted to take a part. I expected my fellow competitors being brilliant and refreshing with absolute perfection in a skill of using 3d modelling software. That’s the reason I didn’t expect to win it, which of course didn’t happen but I was surprised by the projects of my competitors and preferences of the jury. But then, we know it’s better don’t talk to much about the tastes. This exercise is rather hopelessly pointless. Better I’ll leave you alone with the pictures. They always say more than 1000 words.

Below you can see my project and here is the link to the results of whole competition:



PS. If you can’t see my name on the contest list this means they still haven’t corrected their names mistake.

Spain – Galicia

Spain – Galicia

I went to visit Spanish Galicia where they have such a good intuition they don’t build the bus stops and don’t install any signs of them.

After all: “Everybody” knows where it is 😉

Not only this is special I found a few more proofs of  uniqueness. Look:

They’ve got blue trees:

Boats are very transparent 😉

Lizards are the best models

And they do have weapon of mass destruction!

Yes, that’s true above one is easy to find everywher 😉

In any case : I totaly recomend – Galicia is worth visiting not only because of  beautiful sea and Santiago de Compostela 🙂

Expo – Zebrabox in Revit

Expo – Zebrabox in Revit

Here is very good example how design – production – cooperation can work in a prosper of everybody:

I’ve designed this exposition – project for the company named Zebra-box

as a proposition for an exhibition using their zebra pattern as main motive.

Steven White prepared his proposition:

Client added his suggestions and opinions, Arkadiusz Stefaniuk of  Steel Storage factory produced them and we’ve got this result:

Well done guys 🙂