Category Archives: Multi-Culti-World

37 000

37 000

Happy new year everybody !

Let it be prosperous and smooth for all of us.

I finished 2015 with almost 37k of views of my YouTube movies which number I’m very happy with:) :

Overal  it was long and extremely busy year. The workload was crazy at all direction. Designs, events, meetings, movies … Wow

in the end I was happy to get a few days of Christmas break which I celebrated with nature and taking a few photographs in my favourite Kew Gardens.

it makes me to brith slower 🙂





25th Anniversary of Tai Chi Union for GB – movie

25th Anniversary of Tai Chi Union for GB – movie

On 3rd and 4th of October we have been to 25th Anniversary of Tai Chi Union for Great Britain
The major even was hold in Horsham with many great teachers and superb organization.
I created this movie to show overall atmosphere and spectrum of celebration:

It is always nice to get positive response and when it’s happening in French it’s even better 🙂

Managing, co-organizing & developing

Managing, co-organizing & developing

Managing, co-organizing & developing

This September we run 4th International Push Hands meeting in Prague.
As a part of international Tai Chi meetings chain we always try to do our best and make all teachers and students happy.
I enjoy to be a part of organizers team. Sometimes it goes smoothly, sometimes it is challenging and always very satisfying.
As you can see on the group photo Prague is beautifully and all attendances look happy 🙂 2015 2015

Next year will be 5th one !

Tulip Staircase

Tulip Staircase

The Tulip Stairs and lantern at the Queen’s House in Greenwich by Inigo Jones are constant inspiration for me.

tulip stairs

Inigo Jones created this simplistic beauty in XVII century and it stays unbeatable for all those years in between greenish spread Greenwich.

So beautiful …

I have decided to play with the idea of his Tulip staircase and that is the first result produced with Revit :


The sound of Gotye

The sound of Gotye

The music by Gotye and his attitude to the sound  impressed me so much I could not stop thinking about it.

Though my blog is designed rather to show people playing with visual stuff, Gotye is combining all of it. Music, lyric and image is becoming unity.

He kindly allowed me to publish this small post. Thank you Wally.

Look and enjoy – Wouter “Wally” De Backer at work:

If only more people could get themselves  onto that level of creativity our world would be a grand place.

But as for time being : Thanks for what’s happening 🙂