I visited my old architectural office and had lovely meeting with architect Janina Dunal. We have worked together for almost a decade, and done so many cool projects. At the beginning I was still drawing by hand! Can you imagine?
I must be 100 years old 🤣🤣🤣
Look at that:
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Category Archives: Drawings
New Graphics for Speech Therapy Kit
We upgraded the materials for Speech Therapy Kid we did some time ago.
The project is based on original idea of neurologists, speech therapist Barbara Polak and her over 20 years of experience and my graphical translation into these training cards.
Here is an example we published recently:
Please like our fb page if you find it interesting:
Facade’s Design 1994 – back to the future ;-)
Design Management
Design Management is very important part of CAD departments works.
Lately I was improving our Auto-Cad template and realized once more how necessary is to pay attention to the detail.
Each part has to be looked into and double checked carefully.
This is the end product – The template working as the structure for the drawings and at the same time the tool to keep our customers happy and interested:
For Children
Long time ago….
New Face ;-)
Christmas Time…
This gallery contains 3 photos.
can be very nice. You can surrand yourself with pencils and brushes and play with imagination. Dragons, fantasy forest…all is here;-)
Stand for the Conference in London
This year our annual Self Storage Conference took place in London where Steel Storage Europe – company I’m working for is having headquarter.
I was asked to prepare something special for this occasion so I started to look for the ideas around and
the connections between the main subjects for this purpose.
I tried to put Steel Storage brand as the first on the line to underline its position of the leader on self storage market.
Because we are playing central role at the conference floor we had middle entrance place which I treated as Steel Storage Stand being the gate to the rest of participants.
This fact caused very interesting design requirements because of the 2 opposite directions I had to follow.
First was to put all needed information onto the stand’s elements.
Second was to great emptiness and invitation feeling of the entrance gate.
Additionally we had implemented the most important symbols of London. The top ring based on the idea of St. Paul’s Dome was imprinted around with London’s Panorama.
The doors were embedded with the reliefs the cathedral,
the Queen and English Lion.
Transparency of the Plexiglas’s panels for both gate’s sides gave us breath of space and shiny look.
On this short video you can see the end product of our cooperation :
Cards – speech teaching
I’d like to today present a very special project.
Barbara Polak who is speech teacher created this original project – cards with funny pictures to help into the therapy process.
To make it happened I’ve helped with preparing the funny part of the project = images with the help of Illustrator and based on Barbara’s sketches.
She lives and works in Poland so the rest of this post will be in Polish 😉
Karty do ćwiczeń logopedycznych – projekt autorski specjalisty neurologopedy Barbary Polak.
Link do jej strony internetowej: http://logopeda.czest.pl/pomoce.html
Pomoc logopedyczna: karty do gry w “Memo” oraz “Piotruś” prezentują w formie graficznej ćwiczenia mające na celu usprawnienie narządów mowy przygotowując do wywołania określonej głoski. Dziecko poprzez zabawę zapamiętuje i opanowuje kolejne ćwiczenia korzystając z dodatkowej podpory wzrokowej oraz skojarzenia z ilustracją. Duży wybór ćwiczeń zaczerpnięty z literatury logopedycznej pozwala indywidualnie dostosować stopień trudności dla danego dziecka i wymieniać karty w zależności od postępów. Element zabawy i rywalizacji motywuje dziecko do starannego wykonywania poszczególnych ćwiczeń. Dodatkowo doskonali pamięć, koncentrację, spostrzegawczość, rozwija skojarzenia, a także uczy zachowań społecznych.
Talia zawiera 36 kart: 17 par kart ponumerowanych od 1- 17 oraz 2 karty bez numeru
Liczba graczy: 2 – 6
Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “sz, ż, cz, dż”, kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro
Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “s, z, c, dz”, kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro
Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “r” – kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro
Ćwiczenia przygotowawcze do wywołania głoski “s, z, c, dz” – kliknij tutaj aby przejść na Allegro